A sour note in the sweet melody of existence. A blunder like a wilted rose in a garden of vibrant blooms. An object like a jagged tear.

Mistakes loom like shadows at dusk, sharp angles cutting into the fabric of our existence. Like shards of glass, they pierce the heart with their beauty, leaving behind scars that tell tales of our flawed humanity.

A symphony of disorder, creating an angular mess of chaos that only the brave dare to tame.

Angular beasts of chairs, with sharp edges and rigid lines. They stand tall, casting shadows of discomfort and unease. Their appearance offers no solace, only a reminder of their unforgiving nature. A testament to the harsh reality of inanimate objects.

In a world obsessed with perfection, the triumph of ugliness challenges norms and dares to stand out. A rebellion against societal expectations, it fosters a sense of individuality and authenticity.


Only in darkness there's light

